Unless you are living under a rock, you should be familiar with TRÖJAN from the UK, the band that back in 1985 released one of the 10 best British metal records of all time, the legendary "Chasing the Storm". The band evolved into TALIÖN and what seemed to be next to impossible, they managed to come up with just as great songwriting and released a follow up studio album in 1989 by the title "Killing the World".
Fast forward to the year 2000. We came in touch with the two masterminds behind the band, guitar player extraordinaire Pete Wadeson and singer Graeme Wyatt and with their blessings and ongoing co-operation we agreed to officially re-release both "Chasing the Storm" and "Killing the World" in amazing editions on vinyl and CD with bonus stuff.
Also, for the first time ever, you get to see the lyric video we did for the title track of the TALIÖN album "Killing the World", a song way ahead of its time, with a very strong message about environmental change and mankind milking the planet, with detrimental consequences for humanity, animals and the entire eco-system. So, aside from being a great song, the message that it carries is so important that deserves to be shared by everyone. Hopefully mankind will soon come to its senses and realize that exploiting the environment is something that needs to change, otherwise future generations will be forever doomed.
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