1. Cabeza De Tractor
2. Escuela Rural, Patria Pelada
3. Sagrado Corazon
4. Sirva Otra Vuelta Pulpero
5. Mate Amargo, Nuestro
6. Lleno De Odio
7. Las Noches Mas Tristes
8. La Lucha Esta En Vos
9. Como Estaba Ahi Dios
10. A Jose Artigas
11. Destino..
1. Bringers Of Heavy Metal Death
2. Salem's Fire
3. Swarm
4. Slaves To Their Own Sin
5. We Die
6. Cauldron Born
7. Witching Metal Ritual
8. Where None Can Follow..
1. Adventus
2. An Eye For An Eye
3. Condemned To Insanity
4. Pharaoh's Curse
5. Fighting Forever
6. Into The Sea
7. Atlantis
8. Bipolar Mind
9. Azure Mirror
10. Against The Law
11. Dancing In The Fire..
1. Ascension
2. War Spirits
3. Going Home
4. Plague
5. High Sea Hell
6. The Dead Road
7. A Winter Day
8. The River
9. Drakkar
10. Chosen
11. An End
12. This Winter Night
13. Shadows
14. Tir Na Nog
15. Songs Of Our Heroes..
1. It Happened Tomorrow
2. 2,0,3,6,
3. A Desperate Way Out
4. Monkey In Sunday Best
5. Midnight Oil
6. Within Without
7. One Door Away
8. Paintropy
9. Shadows At The Edge Of Perception
10. Mrs Judas
11. You Know I Know
12. Masterplan
13. Promises..
1. Peleas Por Libertad
2. Rey Del Dolor
3. No Ores Por Mi
4. Es Asi
5. Ojos Virginales
6. Presente Incierto
7. Junto A La Victoria
8. Ya No Creo En Ti
9. Vencedor
10. Artesano..
1. Time To Regenerate
2. Breaking Chains
3. Ode To Earth
4. Glory Behind An Invisible Wall
5. Pathways Of Life
6. The Crying Earth & The Hope
7. Against My Fate
8. Deforestation Madness
9. Running Through The Fire
10. Thankful
11. Bells Of Climate Change
12. Permafrost
If you like blast beats, sonic beat downs, hoarse vocals, choppy riffs, and something like Unsane on speed, then you’ve got it here in Mothra. Songs take a left turn and then a right before circling back and threatening to turn the wheel violently while stepping on the gas, and damn the consequences..
1. Storm Of Fire 1916
2. No God/No Religion
3. When The Siren Calls
4. The Darkness Of Angels
5. The Bloodshed Summoning
6. Under The Banner Of Blasphemy
7. Black Towers
8. Crypts Of The Fallen
9. The Night They Came To Kill
10. Join The Congregation
11. Journey Into Purgat..
1. Immortals
2. The Cry Of The Witch
3. Stellar Gardener
4. Midnight Wanderer
5. Ghost Of Dublin
6. To The Brothers Of Heliopolis
7. Sons Of The Fallen
8. Stories From An Astral Journey..